One-day Comprehensive Orientation Programme on “Basics of Testing and Evaluation in Kannada with reference to NEP 2020”

  • What : A One-day Comprehensive Orientation Programme on “Basics of Testing and Evaluation in Kannada with reference to NEP 2020” for the final year B.Ed. Students of BGS B. Ed. College, Kuvempunagar, Mysuru will be conducted at National Testing Service - India, CIIL, Mysuru.
  • When : 27.03.2025
  • Where (Venue) : National Testing Service-India, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru

  • Contact
  • For detailed information regarding training cum workshop queries, please contact the Resource Persons of the programme Dr. R. Shakuntala (9483014658), and Dr. Murali Mohana N. (9731254102) from NTS-I.

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages, invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 45-day (only working days) short-term workshop on the Development of Language Proficiency Tests. List of Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Languages into focus are as following:-

    • Scheduled Languages
  1. Kannada
  2. Hindi
  3. Sanskrit
  4. Assamese
  5. Bengali
  6. Bodo
  7. Dogri
  8. Sindhi
  9. Kashmiri
  10. Konkani
  11. Marathi
  12. Gujarati
  13. Tamil
  14. Telugu
  15. Manipuri
  16. Punjabi
  17. Malayalam
  18. Urdu
  19. Nepali
  20. Odia
  21. Santali (Ol Chiki and Devanagari)
  22. Maithili
  23. • Non-Scheduled Languages
  24. Garo
  25. Khasi
  26. Mizo
  27. Kokbrok
  28. Laddaki/Bhoti
  29. Marwari

  • Available Positions
    Total number available positions are 28 (twenty eight) only. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities
  • Development of Language Proficiency Tests.
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the PhD holder candidates)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature. The candidates having MPhil/PhD in Linguistics/Languages will be preferred.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in Hindi.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Ability to work in groups and flair for academics and research.
  • The ability to work in multiple languages with a proven academic/professional record is highly desirable.
  • Honorarium
  • TA/DA will be paid as per institute norms and an honorarium of Rs.1,500/- per day for Ph.D holder and Rs.1,000/- per day for M.A, MPhil. holders.
  • Candidates will be duly acknowledged / recognized for their successfully completion of the work as per rules and decision of the supervising authority.
  • Mess Facility is available at subsidized rates.
  • Accommodation
  • Accommodation at nominal rates in the SRLC Hostel will be made available to the interested candidates based on the availability.
  • Accommodation may be provided to the outstation participants at concessional rates in the SRLC Hostel, given availability. Participants should carry their own bed sheet, blanket, mosquito coil, toiletries, etc.
  • Accommodation arrangement for spouse / family members / friends, etc. will not be given at any cost.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The Scholars applying for these positions should be willing to stay here for 45 working days. Any break (except under unavoidable situations) during the workshop will not be entertained.
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work. Office space and internet connection will be provided. No Laptop or workstation will be provided by the Institute.
  • The candidates successfully shall complete the assigned work within given deadline to be eligible for any honorarium.
  • The period of the workshop may be extended or reduced given the volume and nature of work, availability of funds, or due to any unforeseen reasons. In such case, the candidates may immediately be asked to leave the work / hostel / premises, etc. In any such case, decision of the supervising/competent authorities will be final and binding.
  • Participation in such academic workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the programme/workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
  • Those who are willing to apply for the workshop can fill in the application via
  • Last date to apply : 11th April 2025. The suitable candidates may be invited even before last date.
  • Mode of Selection : Short-telephonic/Zoom/GoogleMeet Interview
  • (Retired/Working Language Teachers may also be considered to work remotely/online mode. However, their honorarium will be regulated after successful submission of the test papers/items further subject to acceptance by the experts).
  • Contact
  • For any procedural/general query, please contact 0821-2345113 / 0821-2345112 or strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).
  • For any detailed academic query, please contact 0821-2345018 or strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

English and Hindi Version

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Assistant Professors /Teachers and Research Scholars of Universities/Colleges/Schools in Mysuru region. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors /Teachers and Research Scholars of Universities/Colleges/Schools in Mysuru region and who are engaged in the teaching of Hindi Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 07.04.2025 to 12.04.2025
  • Where (Venue) : National Testing Service-India, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers and Research Scholars from Mysuru, Karnataka and who are engaged in teaching of Hindi (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their College / Department for the period of training programme at NTS-I, CIIL, Mysuru
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Hindi typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 04.04.2025 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 15 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian Lunch will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., honorarium).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 03.04.2025 (Before 11:30 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for various positions in the National Testing Service – India (NTS-I) on a contractual basis. For details such as age, educational qualification, experience, specification of duties & responsibilities, format of application, etc., please visit website:

For detailed about the Number of vacant position, Monthly consolidated remuneration, Essential and Desirable qualification, etc., please check the below given PDF.

| Hindi | | English |

National Testing Service-India, a scheme under the Central Institute of Indian Languages, invites applications from post-graduates / researchers for the award of 01 Doctoral and 03 Post Doctoral Fellowships

  • These fellowships are awarded with a view to promoting research in the interdisciplinary areas of testing and evaluation. The topic of research may be in any of the below-mentioned areas but with a component of testing and evaluation.

  • The preferred area of research would be in the areas of Educational Testing and Evaluation, Language Testing and Assessment, LSRW skills in Indian Languages, Language Education, Online Language Education, Innovation in Educational Technologies, Literacy, Language or Education policy, NEP-2020, Mother Tongue Education, Language Teaching-Learning, Language Pedagogy, Curriculum Development, Language-in-use, Language for Specific Purposes, Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Language, Lower Resource Language Classroom, Language and Culture, etc., or in line with schemes of GOI pertaining to language education/culture, etc. for Indian languages/mother languages.

  • The value of the fellowship for Doctoral Research is Rs. 20,000/- per month with a contingent grant of Rs. 20,000/- per annum; for Post Doctoral Research is Rs. 30,000/- per month along with a contingent grant of Rs. 30,000- per annum. The period of fellowship is 3 years for the Doctoral and 1 year for the Post Doctoral, and it may be extended by one more year based on a strict assessment procedure in deserving cases.

  • Eligibility Criteria For PhD Fellowship
  • The applicant should have studied one of the 22 Indian languages listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution, at least up to the Secondary Level.
  • A full-time Master/Integrated Master's degree in Linguistics, Language Science, in any of the 22 Scheduled Indian Language, Literature, English (with a focus on Indian Literature/Languages/Culture), Anthropology, Psychology, or Education.
  • Enrolled in UGC Recognized Indian University (up to 2nd year of Ph.D degree).
  • Candidates expecting to enrol in a relevant PhD programme in the next months, from the date of the award of fellowship, may also be considered.
  • Eligibility Criteria For Post-Doctoral Fellowships
  • The applicant should have studied one of the 22 Indian languages listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution, at least up to the Secondary Level.
  • A PhD degree from a UGC Recognized Indian University in the relevant area as indicated above with relevant publications (see the detailed guidelines), preceded by a full-time Master/Integrated Master's degree in Linguistics, Language Science, in any of the 22 Scheduled Indian Language, Literature, English (with a focus on Indian Literature/Languages/Culture), Anthropology, Psychology, or Education.
  • Freshly Enrolled in UGC Recognized Indian University as post-docttoral candidate.
  • Candidates expecting to enrol in a relevant post-doctoral programme in the next 3 months, from the date of the award of fellowship, may also be considered.
  • How to apply
  • Applications are to be submitted via . No physical copy of the applications will be entertained.
  • Last date to apply : 21st March 2025.
  • Contact
  • For general queries contact, please contact Ms. Hayath Afza / Ms. Uma @ 0821-2345112 / 0821-2345113 or strictly during office hours (09.30AM to 05.30PM), Monday to Friday.
  • For any academic query, please contact Dr. Pankaj Dwivedi

Note : It is to be noted that application and other documents such as biodata and research proposals should be in English. Wherever these documents are primarily not available in English, a self-certified translation shall also be submitted.

For detailed guidelines, terms & conditions, operational details, etc., please check the below given PDF.

|| Advertisement in Hindi and English || Detailed Guidelines in Hindi || Detailed Guidelines in English

Call for Experts in Language Education, Assessment, Education Psychology, Statistics, Language Technology and other concerned areas.

National Testing Service India (NTS-I) is a scheme housed in Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), under Ministry of Education, Government of India. It was established with a mission to fulfill all the evaluation requirements of the country in terms of methods, materials and human resources in the field of language education. NTS-India has three broad objectives viz., (i) Creation of nationwide consensus and awareness about the contents, methods and purposes of evaluation (ii) Production of basic reference materials and (iii) Development of trained human resources in this area.

  • Activities of NTS-I
    Under Research and Development activities we undertake in-depth analysis of the concepts of measurement & evaluation in the context of education; identify the content inputs & consequential effects of teaching and learning; interrelate the outcome with the objectives of education and the actual needs of the country; and develop appropriate methodology to meet all the evaluation requirements.
    Our Survey and Documentation team works to collect, consolidate, and create an electronic grid of information pertaining to contents, methods, and purposes of evaluation; enlist the contact particulars of individuals and institutions involved in preparing and using different types of tests and other associated materials; develop a grid of material resources with syllabi of various courses and question papers there on, at different levels of education and build up a specialized library with rare reference on this area and documenting related items.
    Our Consultancy and Training programs are held to evolve a mechanism for providing periodical training and to create specialized expertise; develop teaching cum training modules in various branches of evaluation; produce supplementary materials such as documentary films, charts, tables, etc.; and extend consultancy on various matters related to testing and evaluation.
    We are seeking expressions of interest from distinguished academicians and scholars specialized in Language Education, Assessment, Education Psychology, Statistics, Language Technology and other concerned areas.
  • Purpose
    It is to prepare a panel of subject experts to utilize their services for our training programs, material production workshops, seminars and other related activities.
  • Opportunities for Engagement
  • Participation as subject matter experts in official programs and workshops.
  • Contribution to the design and delivery of training programs.
  • Involvement in the development of educational and assessment materials.
  • Benefits Offered
  • Remuneration for all contributions.
  • Academic authorship for material production and research initiatives.
  • Networking opportunities with leading professionals and stakeholders in the field.
  • Expertise Sought in the Following Areas
  • Language education methodologies and pedagogies.
  • Educational assessment & evaluation, Education Psychology and Statistics.
  • Language testing and metrics development, Designing language proficiency tests.
  • Application of educational technologies in language teaching.
  • Translation, Terminology Development, Curriculum and Syllabus Design, Question Item Writing.
  • Who is eligible to apply?
  • School/College/University Teachers working in the area of Language Education, Educational Assessment, Testing and Evaluation, Test/Examination Administration, Education/Language Technology, Educational Psychology, Psychometric Assessment and Translation.
  • Having sound proficiency (LSRW) in one of the 22 scheduled languages of the Constitution in necessary. Good knowledge of English is also required.
  • Recently retired faculty members/staff from NCERT, DIET, NIPA, UPSC, SSC, NBA, Teachers Education Colleges, State Recruitment Agencies, etc. are esp. encouraged to apply.
  • Having a PhD in the relevant area will be an added advantage.
  • Application Process
  • Submission of Expression of Interest: Interested candidates are required to submit an application outlining their qualifications, areas of expertise, and previous contributions to the field.
  • Review Process: Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts. Selected candidates will be contacted for further engagement details.
  • Registration as an NTS-I Expert: Upon approval, candidates will be registered as experts with NTS-I and CIIL to engage them in upcoming projects and initiatives as and where required.
  • Submission Guidelines
  • An application explaining interest in this collaboration and what you can bring to the role may be sent.
  • A comprehensive academic CV detailing educational qualifications, experience, and publications, etc. may be attached.
  • Details of previous works or projects undertaken in the relevant areas may be provided.
  • Application with other documents should be sent to
  • Contact
    For any academic query, please contact Dr. Pankaj Dwivedi, Officer In-charge, to 0821-2345018 between 10.00AM to 5.30PM (Mon-Fri).

This is to inform all applicants that the Six-Day Workshop-cum-Training Program on Testing and Evaluation, as well as Item Writing Practice in Kannada, scheduled at Sahyadri Commerce College, Vidyanagar, Shivamogga, Karnataka, from 24/02/2025 to 01/03/2025, has been postponed until further notice. The revised dates and the selection list will be published on our website in due course. This notice is issued with the approval of the competent authority.

Applications are invited for the post of Technical Consultants in National Testing Service–India. For details such as educational qualification, experience, specification of duties & responsibilities, format of application, etc., please visit website:

Hindi English

We would like to inform all applicants that A five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi, originally scheduled from 10th February 2025 to 14th February 2025 in Lucknow, UP, has been postponed. The new dates for the workshop will be from 14th April 2025 to 18th April 2025. We request all applicants to take note of the revised schedule. This change has been made with the approval of the competent authority. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

A Five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state.

  • What : A Five-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state who are engaged in the teaching of Hindi Language & Literature, and linguistics.
  • When : 14.04.2025 to 18.04.2025
  • Where (Venue) : Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), Gomatinagar, Lucknow

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars who are engaged in teaching of Hindi (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), Gomatinagar, Lucknow
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 07.04.2025
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 15 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., Honorarium).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) along with a scanned copy of the ID proof mentioned in the application form, to by 04.04.2025 (Before 11:30 AM)
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

We would like to inform all applicants that A five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu, originally scheduled from 10th February 2025 to 14th February 2025 in Lucknow, UP, has been postponed. The new dates for the workshop will be from 14th April 2025 to 18th April 2025. We request all applicants to take note of the revised schedule. This change has been made with the approval of the competent authority. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

A Five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state.

  • What : A Five-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state who are engaged in the teaching of Urdu Language & Literature, and linguistics.
  • When : 14.04.2025 to 18.04.2025
  • Where (Venue) : Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), Gomatinagar, Lucknow

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars who are engaged in teaching of Urdu (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) from Lucknow, UttarPradesh state are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at Urdu Teaching and Research Centre (UTRC), Gomatinagar, Lucknow
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 07.04.2025
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 15 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., Honorarium).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) along with a scanned copy of the ID proof mentioned in the application form, to by 04.04.2025 (Before 11:30 AM)
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Kannada for Assistant Professors / Lecturers and School Teachers of Shivamogga District, Karnataka. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors / Lecturers and School Teachers of Shivamogga District and who are engaged in the teaching of Kannada Language & Literature. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 24.02.2025 to 01.03.2025
  • Where (Venue) : Sahyadri Commerce College, Vidyanagar, Shivamogga, Karnataka.

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers and School Teachers who are engaged in teaching of Kannada (Language & Literature) in recognized College / Schools (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) from Shivamogga District, Karnataka are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their College/School for the period of training programme at Sahyadri Commerce College, Vidyanagar, Shivamogga, Karnataka.
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Kannada typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 21.02.2025 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch and session’s tea will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed registration format by clicking the link " Registration Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 21.02.2025 (Before 11:00 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Registration Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Registration Form

Selected candidates for Six-day Workshop-cum-training Program on Testing and Evaluation and Item writing practice in Tamil language at Department of Tamil, G.T.N Arts College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu from 20/01/2025 to 25/01/2025. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


Selected candidates for Six-day Workshop-cum-training Program on Testing and Evaluation and Item writing practice in Telugu language at the Department of Telugu, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, Telangana state from 06/01/2025 to 11/01/2025. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


We would like to inform all applicants that A five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi, originally scheduled from 10th February 2025 to 14th February 2025 in Lucknow, UP, has been postponed. The new dates for the workshop will be from 14th April 2025 to 18th April 2025. We request all applicants to take note of the revised schedule. This change has been made with the approval of the competent authority. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We would like to inform all applicants that A five-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu, originally scheduled from 10th February 2025 to 14th February 2025 in Lucknow, UP, has been postponed. The new dates for the workshop will be from 14th April 2025 to 18th April 2025. We request all applicants to take note of the revised schedule. This change has been made with the approval of the competent authority. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Selected candidates for Six-day Workshop-cum-training Program on Testing and Evaluation and Item writing practice in Tamil language at Vellalar College of Education, Thindal, Erode, Tamil Nadu from 18/12/2024 to 24/12/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Telugu for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Nalgonda, Telangana state. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars from Nalgonda, Telangana state and who are engaged in the teaching of Telugu Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 06.01.2025 to 11.01.2025
  • Where (Venue) : The Department of Telugu, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, Telangana state.

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Teachers and Research Scholars who are engaged in teaching of Telugu (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) from Nalgonda, Telangana state are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at The Department of Telugu, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, Telangana state.
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Telugu typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 02.01.2025
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 15 days after the completion of the programme. For the first three days in face to face mode, the participants will be provided with LC(local conveyance), honorarium, working lunch and session’s tea, etc., on their successful participation in the programme. The remaining three days, the programme will commence in online mode in which participants will prepare the question items and input them online in our electronic database. Since the participants will prepare and input the question items online while working from home or any place of their convenience, no LC, working lunch/ sessions tea shall be permissible. Only honorarium for three day working in online mode will be given after successful completion of the work assigned. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) along with a scanned copy of the ID proof mentioned in the application form, to by 01.01.2025 (Before 11:30 AM)
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Tamil for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Dindigul region, Tamil Nadu. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors/Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Dindigul region, and who are engaged in the teaching of Tamil Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 20.01.2025 to 25.01.2025
  • Where (Venue) : Department of Tamil, G.T.N Arts College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Dindigul, Tamil Nadu and who are engaged in teaching of Tamil (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at the Department of Tamil, G.T.N Arts College, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Tamil typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 17.01.2025 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. For the first three days in face to face mode, the participants will be provided with LC(local conveyance), honorarium, working lunch and session’s tea, etc., on their successful participation in the programme. The remaining three days, the programme will commence in online mode in which participants will prepare the question items and input them online in our electronic database. Since the participants will prepare and input the question items online while working from home or any place of their convenience, no LC, working lunch/ sessions tea shall be permissible. Only honorarium for three day working in online mode will be given after successful completion of the work assigned. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 16.01.2025 (Before 11:30 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Tamil for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Erode region, Tamil Nadu. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors/Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Erode region, and who are engaged in the teaching of Tamil Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 18.12.2024 to 24.12.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Vellalar College of Education, Thindal, Erode, Tamil Nadu

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Erode, Tamil Nadu and who are engaged in teaching of Tamil (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at Vellalar College of Education, Thindal, Erode, Tamil Nadu
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Tamil typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 16.12.2024 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. For the first three days in face to face mode, the participants will be provided with LC(local conveyance), honorarium, working lunch and session’s tea, etc., on their successful participation in the programme. The remaining three days, the programme will commence in online mode in which participants will prepare the question items and input them online in our electronic database. Since the participants will prepare and input the question items online while working from home or any place of their convenience, no LC, working lunch/ sessions tea shall be permissible. Only honorarium for three day working in online mode will be given after successful completion of the work assigned. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 16.12.2024 (Before 11:30 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

We regret to inform you that the six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Assistant Professors/Lecturers and Research Scholars from Kolkata, West Bengal, scheduled for November 12th to 17th, 2024, has been cancelled due to operational reasons. This decision has been made with the approval of the competent authority. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Selected candidates for Six-day Workshop-cum-training Program on Testing and Evaluation and Item writing practice in Urdu language at Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Drass, Kargil (Ladakh) from 21/10/2024 to 26/10/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu for Teachers (Secondary and Higher Secondary) from Drass region (Ladakh).

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Teachers (Secondary and Higher Secondary) from Drass region (Ladakh) and who are engaged in the teaching of Urdu Language & Literature, and linguistics.
  • When : 21.10.2024 to 26.10.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Drass, Kargil (Ladakh)

  • Who can participate?
    Teachers (Secondary and Higher Secondary) who are engaged in teaching of Urdu (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government, Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) from Drass region (Ladakh) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Drass, Kargil (Ladakh)
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 18.10.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., Honorarium).
  • Contact
    For any procedural/general query, please contact Dr. Abdul Halim (9731363821) and Dr. G M Ansari (9341860816) strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

Selected candidates for Six-day Workshop-cum-training Program on Testing and Evaluation and Item writing practice in Tamil language at Department of Tamil, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu from 23/09/2024 to 28/09/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, and Research Scholars from Kolkata, West Bengal. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors/Lecturers, and Research Scholars from Kolkata, West Bengal and who are engaged in the teaching of Hindi Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 12.11.2024 to 17.11.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Department of Hindi, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers and Research Scholars from Kolkata, West Bengal and who are engaged in teaching of Hindi (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their College / Department for the period of training programme at Department of Hindi, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Hindi typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 08.11.2024 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. For the first three days in face to face mode, the participants will be provided with LC(local conveyance), honorarium, working lunch and session’s tea, etc., on their successful participation in the programme. The remaining three days, the programme will commence in online mode in which participants will prepare the question items and input them online in our electronic database. Since the participants will prepare and input the question items online while working from home or any place of their convenience, no LC, working lunch/ sessions tea shall be permissible. Only honorarium for three day working in online mode will be given after successful completion of the work assigned. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 07.11.2024 (Before 11:30 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Tamil for Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for Assistant Professors/Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu and who are engaged in the teaching of Tamil Language & Literature, and linguistics. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 23.09.2024 to 28.09.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Department of Tamil, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

  • Who can participate?
    Assistant Professors / Lecturers, Assistant Teachers and Research Scholars from Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu and who are engaged in teaching of Tamil (Language & Literature) in recognized Colleges (Preferably Government or Government Aided/ Autonomous Institutions) are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School / College / Department for the period of training programme at Department of Tamil, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Tamil typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 20.09.2024 (Before 5:30 PM)
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. For the first three days in face to face mode, the participants will be provided with LC(local conveyance), honorarium, working lunch and session’s tea, etc., on their successful participation in the programme. The remaining three days, the programme will commence in online mode in which participants will prepare the question items and input them online in our electronic database. Since the participants will prepare and input the question items online while working from home or any place of their convenience, no LC, working lunch/ sessions tea shall be permissible. Only honorarium for three day working in online mode will be given after successful completion of the work assigned. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the Training cum Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form " given below. Take a printout, fill the form and send the scanned copy of the form (with the signature of the Research Supervisor / Head / Guide / Forwarding authority) to the by 19.09.2024 (Before 11:30 AM).
  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the 'Application Form' link. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form

List of the candidates selected for the award of NTS-I Doctoral and Post Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2024 - 2025.

Download-English     Download Hindi

Interview for the shortlisted candidates for the post doctoral and doctoral fellowships for the year 2024-25 against the notification dated 25.04.2024 will be conducted on 01.08.2024.

Interview Schedule    

Selected candidates for A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka from 08/07/2024 to 13/07/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


Selected candidates for A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Kannada for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka from 08/07/2024 to 13/07/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


Selected candidates for A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka from 08/07/2024 to 13/07/2024. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" (followed by the selection list) to know about the essential conditions to participate in the workshop.


A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Hindi for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for government school teachers of Belagavi District and who are engaged in the teaching of Hindi Language & Literature. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 08.07.2024 to 13.07.2024
  • Where (Venue) : The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.

  • Who can participate?
    Teachers who are engaged in teaching of Hindi (Language & Literature) in recognized schools (Preferably Government or Government Aided) from Belagavi District, Karnataka are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School for the period of training programme at The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Hindi typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 05.07.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch and session’s tea will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • Contact
    For any procedural/general query, please contact NTS-I faculties Dr. Bireshkumar (9916336696) and Dr. Amit Kumar Jha (7057452632) strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Kannada for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for government school teachers of Belagavi District and who are engaged in the teaching of Kannada Language & Literature. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 08.07.2024 to 13.07.2024
  • Where (Venue) : The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.

  • Who can participate?
    Teachers who are engaged in teaching of Kannada (Language & Literature) in recognized schools (Preferably Government or Government Aided) from Belagavi District, Karnataka are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School for the period of training programme at The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Kannada typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 05.07.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch and session’s tea will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • Contact
    For any procedural/general query, please contact NTS-I faculties Dr. R. Shakunthala (6360416259), Dr. M. Manjunatha (Mobile No.: 9110628158) and Dr. Murali Mohana N (9731254102) strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

A six-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing & Evaluation and Question Item Writing in Urdu for Government School Teachers of Belagavi District of Karnataka. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.

  • What : A six-day Training cum Workshop on Testing and Evaluation for government school teachers of Belagavi District and who are engaged in the teaching of Urdu Language & Literature. This will be a 6 day workshop out of which starting 3 days will be in face to face mode and remaining three days in online mode.
  • When : 08.07.2024 to 13.07.2024
  • Where (Venue) : The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.

  • Who can participate?
    Teachers who are engaged in teaching of Urdu (Language & Literature) in recognized schools (Preferably Government or Government Aided) from Belagavi District, Karnataka are eligible to participate in this training programme.
  • Important Note :
  • Those who are willing to attend the training cum workshop should get official deputation from their School for the period of training programme at The Government College of Teacher Education (CTE), Belagavi, Karnataka.
  • The candidates who already attended the workshop in past will not be considered.
  • Proficiency in Urdu typing is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop / Laptop / Mobile Phone is in good working condition. So that you won’t be having any problems during the inputting of online question items.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 05.07.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Purpose
    The purpose of the programme is to provide the stakeholders with the training in the area of testing and evaluation so that stakeholders themselves can identify the defects in the syllabus, textbooks, methods of teaching, etc., and can make appropriate modifications/changes and thereby making the teaching learning process more effective.
  • Compensation
    The participants will be paid nominal Honorarium as per the institute rules preferably in their bank accounts within 30 days after the completion of the programme. A simple vegetarian lunch and session’s tea will be provided during the programme. Full attendance and active participation in the programme is essential to become eligible for compensation of any kind (i.e., local conveyance, Honorarium, certificate, etc.).
  • Contact
    For any procedural/general query, please contact NTS-I faculties Dr. G M Ansari (9341860816), Dr. Md. Saleem Ahmad (9449805123) and Dr. Taiyab Ali Khan (7458935554) strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

The list of candidates shortlisted for the interview of NTS-I Doctoral / Post Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2024-2025.


Selected candidates for 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Assamese, Bengali, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu from 20/05/2024 to 03/06/2024

  • The Google meet invitation link for all 15 days will be sent on 20th May 2024 at 09:50 AM to your Email ID. Please login by clicking on that link between 09:50 AM to 09:55 AM. Only selected participants will be allowed to Join the Google Meet.
  • Please don’t share the invitation link with anyone.
  • For inputting the online question items, your user name and password will be informed to the participants during the Technical session (02:15 to 03:45PM) on 22nd May 2024.
  • Proficiency in typing in the concerned language is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • Please make sure that your Desktop/Laptop/Mobile Phone is in good working condition. Also check your speaking and hearing devices such as headphone, microphone and camera (if used) are properly working so that you won’t be having any problems during the workshop.

Sl No. PDF Details
1 Selection List

Please click on the 'PDF' icon to view selected candidates list of 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Assamese, Bengali, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu from 20/05/2024 to 03/06/2024.

2 Program Schedule


Please click on the 'PDF' icon to view the Program Schedule for 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Assamese, Bengali, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu from 20/05/2024 to 03/06/2024.

Note :

  • For more details Dr. Biresh Kumar (9916336696) and Dr. Amit Kumar Jha (7057452632) the local coordinator of the programme should be contacted.
  • Phone enquiries should be made between 10 AM to 5:30 PM only.

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 15-day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Odia

  • What : 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Odia
  • When : 20.05.2024 to 03.06.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Google Meet.

  • System Requirements
  • Desktop/Laptop with minimum specification (Core 2 deo processor with 4 GB RAM OS windows XP, 7 & above etc.)
  • Unicode enabled Desktop/Laptop with browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. The use of latest version of such browsers is highly recommended.
  • Important Note :
  • All participants should have a valid email account (preferably Gmail account) since the workshop is conducted through Google Meet.
  • Proficiency in typing in the concerned language is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 17.05.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Available Positions
    There will be 10 positions for each language. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities : Development of Proficiency Test papers and question items in the concerned language
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the practicing teachers of school/college/university)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in concerned language.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Honorarium
  • Rs.9000/- per person subject to the successful completion of the task assigned.
  • They have to prepare 6 tests containing 100 questions per test.
  • Honorarium shall be given only to those who successfully fulfill the given task i.e. preparation of 6 tests containing 100 question per test.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work.
  • The candidates who successfully complete the assigned work within given deadline will be eligible for any honorarium.
  • Participation in such online workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the online workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the 15 day online Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form ", "Honorarium Receipt" , "Bank Format" given below. Take a printout of all the forms and fill them and send the scanned copy of the duly filled in forms along with the scaned copy of your Aadhaar, PAN card and the front page of the bank pass book (where account details are available) to the by 16.05.2024 (Before 11:30 AM). All these copies should be attached in a single mail with the subject line as the “15 day online workshop” followed by applicant’s full name along with the language applied for.

  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the Forms below. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form (Closed)

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 15-day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Santali and Manipuri

  • What : 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Santali and Manipuri
  • When : 20.05.2024 to 03.06.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Google Meet.

  • System Requirements
  • Desktop/Laptop with minimum specification (Core 2 deo processor with 4 GB RAM OS windows XP, 7 & above etc.)
  • Unicode enabled Desktop/Laptop with browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. The use of latest version of such browsers is highly recommended.
  • Important Note :
  • All participants should have a valid email account (preferably Gmail account) since the workshop is conducted through Google Meet.
  • Proficiency in typing in the concerned language is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 17.05.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Available Positions
    There will be 10 positions for each language. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities : Development of Proficiency Test papers and question items in the concerned language
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the practicing teachers of school/college/university)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in concerned language.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Honorarium
  • Rs.9000/- per person subject to the successful completion of the task assigned.
  • They have to prepare 6 tests containing 100 questions per test.
  • Honorarium shall be given only to those who successfully fulfill the given task i.e. preparation of 6 tests containing 100 question per test.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work.
  • The candidates who successfully complete the assigned work within given deadline will be eligible for any honorarium.
  • Participation in such online workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the online workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the 15 day online Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form ", "Honorarium Receipt" , "Bank Format" given below. Take a printout of all the forms and fill them and send the scanned copy of the duly filled in forms along with the scaned copy of your Aadhaar, PAN card and the front page of the bank pass book (where account details are available) to the by 16.05.2024 (Before 11:30 AM). All these copies should be attached in a single mail with the subject line as the “15 day online workshop” followed by applicant’s full name along with the language applied for.

  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the Forms below. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form (Closed)

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 15-day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Dogri, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Urdu

  • What : 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Dogri, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Urdu
  • When : 20.05.2024 to 03.06.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Google Meet.

  • System Requirements
  • Desktop/Laptop with minimum specification (Core 2 deo processor with 4 GB RAM OS windows XP, 7 & above etc.)
  • Unicode enabled Desktop/Laptop with browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. The use of latest version of such browsers is highly recommended.
  • Important Note :
  • All participants should have a valid email account (preferably Gmail account) since the workshop is conducted through Google Meet.
  • Proficiency in typing in the concerned language is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 17.05.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Available Positions
    There will be 10 positions for each language. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities : Development of Proficiency Test papers and question items in the concerned language
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the practicing teachers of school/college/university)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in concerned language.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Honorarium
  • Rs.9000/- per person subject to the successful completion of the task assigned.
  • They have to prepare 6 tests containing 100 questions per test.
  • Honorarium shall be given only to those who successfully fulfill the given task i.e. preparation of 6 tests containing 100 question per test.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work.
  • The candidates who successfully complete the assigned work within given deadline will be eligible for any honorarium.
  • Participation in such online workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the online workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the 15 day online Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form ", "Honorarium Receipt" , "Bank Format" given below. Take a printout of all the forms and fill them and send the scanned copy of the duly filled in forms along with the scaned copy of your Aadhaar, PAN card and the front page of the bank pass book (where account details are available) to the by 16.05.2024 (Before 11:30 AM). All these copies should be attached in a single mail with the subject line as the “15 day online workshop” followed by applicant’s full name along with the language applied for.

  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the Forms below. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form (Closed)

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 15-day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Nepali and Gujarati

  • What : 15 day online workshop on preparation of Proficiency Test papers and items in Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Nepali and Gujarati
  • When : 20.05.2024 to 03.06.2024
  • Where (Venue) : Google Meet.

  • System Requirements
  • Desktop/Laptop with minimum specification (Core 2 deo processor with 4 GB RAM OS windows XP, 7 & above etc.)
  • Unicode enabled Desktop/Laptop with browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. The use of latest version of such browsers is highly recommended.
  • Important Note :
  • All participants should have a valid email account (preferably Gmail account) since the workshop is conducted through Google Meet.
  • Proficiency in typing in the concerned language is a must criterion to participate in this program.
  • The list of selected candidates will be uploaded in the website on 17.05.2024
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any of the applications received without assigning any reason.
  • Available Positions
    There will be 10 positions for each language. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities : Development of Proficiency Test papers and question items in the concerned language
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the practicing teachers of school/college/university)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in concerned language.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Honorarium
  • Rs.9000/- per person subject to the successful completion of the task assigned.
  • They have to prepare 6 tests containing 100 questions per test.
  • Honorarium shall be given only to those who successfully fulfill the given task i.e. preparation of 6 tests containing 100 question per test.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work.
  • The candidates who successfully complete the assigned work within given deadline will be eligible for any honorarium.
  • Participation in such online workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the online workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
    Those who are willing to attend the 15 day online Workshop can download the prescribed application format by clicking the link " Application Form ", "Honorarium Receipt" , "Bank Format" given below. Take a printout of all the forms and fill them and send the scanned copy of the duly filled in forms along with the scaned copy of your Aadhaar, PAN card and the front page of the bank pass book (where account details are available) to the by 16.05.2024 (Before 11:30 AM). All these copies should be attached in a single mail with the subject line as the “15 day online workshop” followed by applicant’s full name along with the language applied for.

  • Instruction to Download
    Click on the Forms below. The file which you want to download will open in a new window in PDF format. Save this file in your Hard Disk or print it. The downloading process might take few minutes according to your internet speed.

    Application Form (Closed)

National Testing Service- India, a scheme of Ministry of Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages, invites applications from the suitable candidates for the participation in 45-day (only working days) short-term workshop on the Development of Language and Cultural Teaching Module/Handbook. Languages into Focus are as following:-

  1. Assamese
  2. Bengali
  3. Bodo
  4. Garo
  5. Gujarati
  6. Kannada
  7. Khasi
  8. Malayalam
  9. Manipuri
  10. Marathi
  11. Mizo
  12. Nepali
  13. Odia
  14. Punjabi
  15. Tamil
  16. Telugu
  17. Urdu

  • Available Positions
    Total number available positions are 17 (seventeen) only. However the number of positions may be increased or decreased given the availability of the work/funds etc. or/on the decision of the competent authority.
  • Responsibilities : Development/Review of Language and Cultural Teaching Module/Handbook
  • Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books/journals/papers/articles/internet/Academic Database, etc.
  • Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per the requirements.
  • Educational Qualification
  • M.A / MPhil. / PhD in Linguistics / Language Sciences/ Languages / Literature, etc.
    (Preference will be given to the PhD holder candidates)
  • Eligibility
  • A native speaker/ mother tongue of one of the above languages with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills in it.
  • A Master degree in Linguistics/Language sciences / Languages /Literature. The candidates having MPhil/PhD in Linguistics/Languages will be preferred.
  • Excellent command in English, and working proficiency in Hindi.
  • Understanding of the cultural values of the language speaking community.
  • Ability to work in groups and flair for academics and research.
  • The ability to work in multiple languages with a proven academic/professional record is highly desirable.
  • Honorarium
  • TA/DA will be paid as per institute norms and an honorarium of Rs.1,500/- per day for Ph.D holder and Rs.1,000/- per day for M.A, MPhil. holders.
  • Candidates will be duly acknowledged / recognized for their successfully completion of the work as per rules and decision of the supervising authority.
  • Mess Facility is available at subsidized rates.
  • Accommodation : (Free, will be paid by the Institute/Project/Scheme for the first 45 working day).
  • Accommodation may be provided to the outstation participants at concessional rates in the SRLC Hostel, given availability. Participants should carry their own bed sheet, blanket, mosquito coil, toiletries, etc.
  • Accommodation arrangement for spouse / family members / friends, etc. will not be given at any cost.
  • Terms and conditions
  • The Scholars applying for these positions should be willing to stay here for 45 working days. Any break (except under unavoidable situations) during the workshop will not be entertained.
  • The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work. Office space and internet connection will be provided. No Laptop or workstation will be provided by the Institute.
  • The candidates successfully shall complete the assigned work within given deadline to be eligible for any honorarium.
  • The period of the workshop may be extended or reduced given the volume and nature of work, availability of funds, or due to any unforeseen reasons. In such case, the candidates may immediately be asked to leave the work / hostel / premises, etc. In any such case, decision of the supervising/competent authorities will be final and binding.
  • Participation in such academic workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute.
  • All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the programme/workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules.
  • The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • How to apply
  • Those who are willing to apply for the workshop can fill in the application via
  • Last date to apply : 15th May 2024. The suitable candidates will be invited even before last date.
  • Mode of Selection : Short-telephonic/Zoom/GoogleMeet Interview
  • Contact
  • For any procedural/general query, please contact 0821-2345113 / 0821-2345112 or strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).
  • For any academic query, please contact 0821-2345018 or strictly during office hours (09.00AM to 05.30PM).

National Testing Service-India, a scheme under the Central Institute of Indian Languages, invites applications from post-graduates / researchers for the award of Doctoral and Post Doctoral Fellowships for the year 2024-25.

  • These fellowships are awarded with a view to promoting research in the interdisciplinary areas of testing and evaluation. The topic of research may be in any of the below-mentioned areas but with a component of testing and evaluation.

  • The preferred area of research would be in the areas of Educational Testing and Evaluation, Language Testing and Assessment, LSRW skills in Indian Languages, Language Education, Online Language Education, Innovation in Educational Technologies, Literacy, Language or Education policy, NEP-2020, Mother Tongue Education, Language Teaching-Learning, Language Pedagogy, Curriculum Development, Language-in-use, Language for Specific Purposes, Educational Psychology, Lower Resource Language Classroom, Language and Culture, etc., or in line with schemes of GOI pertaining to language education/culture, etc. for Indian languages/mother languages.

  • The value of the fellowship for Doctoral Research is Rs. 20,000/- per month with a contingent grant of Rs. 20,000/- per annum; for Post Doctoral Research is Rs. 30,000/- per month along with a contingent grant of Rs. 30,000- per annum. The period of fellowship is 3 years for the Doctoral and 1 year for the Post Doctoral, and it may be extended by one more year based on a strict assessment procedure in deserving cases.

  • Eligibility Criteria For PhD Fellowship
  • The applicant should have studied one of the 22 Indian languages listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution, at least up to the Secondary Level.
  • A full-time Master/Integrated Master's degree in Linguistics, Language Science, in any of the 22 Scheduled Indian Language, Literature, English (with a focus on Indian Literature/Languages/Culture), Anthropology, Psychology, or Education.
  • Enrolled in UGC Recognized Indian University (up to 2nd year of Ph.D degree).
  • Candidates expecting to enrol in a relevant PhD programme in the next months, from the date of the award of fellowship, may also be considered.
  • Eligibility Criteria For Post-Doctoral Fellowships
  • The applicant should have studied one of the 22 Indian languages listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution, at least up to the Secondary Level.
  • A PhD degree from a UGC Recognized Indian University in the relevant area as indicated above with relevant publications (see the detailed guidelines), preceded by a full-time Master/Integrated Master's degree in Linguistics, Language Science, in any of the 22 Scheduled Indian Language, Literature, English (with a focus on Indian Literature/Languages/Culture), Anthropology, Psychology, or Education.
  • Freshly Enrolled in UGC Recognized Indian University as post-docttoral candidate.
  • Candidates expecting to enrol in a relevant post-doctoral programme in the next 3 months, from the date of the award of fellowship, may also be considered.
  • How to apply
  • Applications are to be submitted via . No physical copy of the applications will be entertained.
  • Last date to apply : 31st May 2024. (Extended Date)
  • Contact
  • For general queries contact, please contact Ms. Uma / Ms. Hayath Afza @ 0821-2345112 / 0821-2345113 or strictly during office hours (09.30AM to 05.30PM), Monday to Friday.
  • For any academic query, please contact Dr. Pankaj Dwivedi

Note : It is to be noted that application and other documents such as biodata and research proposals should be in English. Wherever these documents are primarily not available in English, a self-certified translation shall also be submitted.

For detailed guidelines, terms & conditions, operational details, etc., please check the below given PDF.

|| Advertisement in Hindi and English || Detailed Guidelines in Hindi || Detailed Guidelines in English

Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for the Assistant Grade-I (Accounts) position in the National Testing Service –India [NTS-I], on contractual basis. For details such as age, educational qualification, experience, specification of duties & responsibilities, format of application, etc., please visit website: