Sl. No.LanguageTitleYear of Publication Click on Cover Page
1 KannadaGlossary of Evaluation Terms-Kannada2017
2 UrduConcept based Continuum of Graded Syllabi-Urdu2017
3 TeluguGlossary of Evaluation Terms in Telugu2016
4 TamilConcept based continuum of Graded Syllabi in Tamil2016
5 TamilAn Introduction to Evaluation Terminology – Tamil 2016
6 OriyaGlossary of Evaluation Terms in Oriya2016
7 BengaliGlossary of Evaluation Terminology2016
8 EnglishConcept Based Continuum of Graded Syllabi (CCGS)2016
9 HindiConcept based continuum of Graded Syllabi in Hindi2016
10 HindiGeneral Aspects of Literature Conceptual Explanation-Hindi2015
11 TamilTeaching and Evaluation of Tamil Epics2015
12 TamilResearch Methodologies for Language and Literature-Tamil2015
13 TamilGeneral Aspects of Literature Conceptual Explanation-Tamil2015
14 UrduGeneral Aspects of Literature Conceptual Explanation-Urdu2015
15 UrduGeneral Aspects of Language Conceptual Explanation-Urdu2014
16 TamilEssays on Language Testing in Tamil2014
17 TamilGeneral Aspects of Language Conceptual Explanation-Tamil2014
18 HindiGeneral Aspects of Language Conceptual Explanation-Hindi2014
19 HindiAn Introduction to Evaluation Terminology (Hindi) Teaching and Testing of Hindi in Information Era2013
20 HindiProblems and perspectives (Conference Papers) (Hindi)2013
21 KannadaAn Introduction to Evaluation Terminology - Kannada2013
22 TamilSangam Literature Learning, Teaching and Evaluation-Tamil2013
23 UrduAn Introduction to Evaluation Terminology (Urdu)2013
24 UrduGeneral Frame of Reference for Assessing Mastery of Language, Literature and Personality Development (Urdu)2012
25 TamilConcept based Continuum of Graded Tests in Tamil-Primary Level2012
26 TamilConcept based Continuum of Graded Tests in Tamil-Upper Primary2012
27 HindiGeneral Frame of Reference for Assessing Mastery of Language, Literature and Personality Development (Hindi)2012
28 HindiGlossary of Evaluation Terms (Hindi to English and VV)2011
29 UrduGlossary of Evaluation Terms (Urdu to English and VV)2011
30 EnglishEvaluation & Testing : A Descriptive Bibliography(Revised) - Eng2010
31 TamilAdvanced Course Reader in Tamil (Revised)2010
32 EnglishAn Introduction to Evaluation Terminology (Revised) - Eng2008
33 AssameseTests of Language Proficiency : Assamese2007
34 GujaratiTests of Language Proficiency: Gujarati2007
35 PunjabiTests of Language Proficiency : Punjabi2007
36 MarathiTests of Language Proficiency: Marathi2007
37 OriyaTests of Language Proficiency: Oriya2006
38 MalayalamTests of Language Proficiency: Malayalam2005
39 SindhiTests of Language Proficiency : Sindhi (Devanagari Script)2005
40 SindhiTests of Language Proficiency : Sindhi (Arabic Script)2005
41 HindiTests of Language Proficiency: Hindi2005
42 BengaliTests of Language Proficiency: Bengali2005
43 KannadaAssessing Personality through Language - Kannada IV2004
44 KannadaAssessing Personality through Literature - Kannada V2004
45 TamilAssessing Personality through Language - Tamil IV2004
46 TamilAssessing Personality through Literature - Tamil V2004
47 TamilTests of Language Proficiency: Tamil2003
48 TamilAdvanced Course Reader in Tamil2003
49 TamilAssessing Mastery of Language - Tamil II2003
50 TamilAssessing Mastery of Literature - Tamil III2003
51 TeluguTests of Language Proficiency: Telugu2003
52 UrduTests of Language Proficiency: Urdu2003
53 KannadaTests of Language Proficiency: Kannada2003
54 KannadaAssessing Mastery of Literature - Kannada III2003
55 MalayalamAssessing Mastery of Language - Malayalam II2003
56 MalayalamAssessing Mastery of Literature - Malayalam III2003
57 MalayalamAssessing Personality through Language - Malayalam IV2003
58 MalayalamAssessing Personality through Literature - Malayalam V2003
59 TamilGeneral Frame of Reference: Language, Literature Objectives of Education (with Glossary) - Tamil I2002
60 MalayalamGeneral Frame of Reference: Language, Literature Objectives of Education (with Glossary) - Malayalam I2002
61 KannadaGeneral Frame of Reference : Language, Literature Objectives of Education (with Glossary) - Kannada I2002
62 KannadaAssessing Mastery of Language - Kannada II2002
63 KashmiriTests of Language Proficiency: Kashmiri2000
64 EnglishEvaluation & Testing : A Descriptive Bibliography - Eng1997